Michell Reddy
Kink & Connect: Intro to BDSM and Kink for the South Asian Community
As far as my parents know, I’m still a virgin. The sex talk went about as far as my mum asking me if I had “accidentally” had sex with my...

Rushi Ner
Normalize All Types of Love: LGBTQ+ love in South Asian weddings
Design by @aurawithwriting Coming to terms with one’s sexuality is a vastly different experience for so many people. As many can relate,...

Kaneeka Kapur
"No one is going to love you until you love yourself" is a damaging narrative for South Asian women
"No one is going to love you until you love yourself" is a toxic and damaging narrative to all women, but especially to South Asian...

Anam Peeran
Why We Need to Prioritise Self Love
Self-love to me has always felt like such a faraway concept. Something I have always been vaguely aware of, but never something I...

Michell Reddy
"Self-Care" as a Fiji-Indian in New Zealand
Self-care entered our vocabulary around 2016 and prompted an evolution, almost a rebellion, from neoliberal work values. From quaint...

Anu Kumar
Beginning the self-love journey
I didn't "do" self-love. What I did do was put my head down and grind out accomplishments, adding lines to a CV that would prove I was...

Balancing Two Cultures in One Relationship (My Interracial Relationship)
I'm Andrea, a Sri Lankan-Canadian, and I met my fiancé, a Caucasian man, on Tinder. Though my family is Sri Lankan, I was born and raised...

Aman Kalkat
It's Time to Reclaim our Sexuality as South Asian Women
First, second, and even third-generation south Asian immigrant women often find themselves balancing their two worlds. A western world,...

Ketki Mahabaleshwarkar
The Notebook
Before Galentines was memorialised in pop-culture by iconoclast and generally iconic lady, Leslie Knope, there was nine-year-old me who,...

"I broke out from my cage and spread my wings to fly high and free" - Jas Kaur
Jas Kaur, also known as Fit Kaur, is a personal trainer and podcaster, and founded the popular support group Brown Girls Rising.

Ketki Mahabaleshwarkar
Do Desis Date-to-Marry?
Ketki explores the relationship young South Asians have with dating culture in the West.